> I am currently placing figure titles in a text frame within the
> figure's anchored frame to lock the two in the required relative
> positions. I cannot see that it is possible, however, to specify
> this in an EDD. Is there any way of doing this, perhaps by
> somehow automatically inserting a named reference page object, 

A technique that may transition to structured better than using a
table to pair an image with a figure caption.

I have s style called AnchoredFrame0. AnchoredFrame1, AnchoredFrame2,
and AnchoredFrame3. 0 is left margin, 1 is .25 indented, 2 is .5
indented, and 3 is .75 indented.

I also have a style for captions called Figure0, Figure1, Figure2,
and Figure3.

AnchoredFrame0 is defined with Figure0 as the next and to keep with
following, and Figure0 is defined with keep with previous.
AnchoredFrame1 is matched with Figure1 and so foorth. Doing this
prevents them from ever appearing one without the other and to
generate a figure caption, all I do is press enter from the
AnchoredFrame style.

As far as aligning the image, Body0, Numbering and Bullet are matched
with AnchoredFrame0. Body1, NumeringA, and BulletA are marched with
AnchoredFrame1, etc,

You should be able to define your rules that defines what image style
to place after what body style, and based on the body style
variation, pick the image and caption that aligns with it...unless my
understanding of structured is all out of wack.

John Posada
Senior Technical Writer

"Bigamy is having one wife 
 too many. Monogamy is the same."
     --Oscar Wilde

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