unbidden from some dark corner of my mind, the memory
"I'm looking for a man who plays alto and baritone, doubles on  the clarinet, 
and wears a size 37 suit."
I have no idea where I remember that from. 
But whoever said it may be related to your VP...


From: framers-bounces+jsgammato=imprivata....@lists.frameusers.com on behalf of 
Gillian Flato
Sent: Fri 3/16/2007 6:19 PM
To: framers at FrameUsers.com
Subject: Translation question


A VP at my company wants to hire a person whose main job functions are
the following:

Translate technical writing docs to Korean
Train the Korean FSE's on the procedures in the docs.

He also wants the same position for Japanese.

Any idea the type of salary this person would command? Know anyone who

He thinks this would be cheaper than using a translation house since we
have thousands of procedures that need translation and more efficient
since the person would also be a trainer.

Thank you,

<mailto:gflato at nanometrics.com>

Gillian Flato

Technical Writer (Software)


1550 Buckeye Dr.

Milpitas, CA. 95035

(408.435.9600 x 316

7  408.232.5911

* gflato at nanometrics <mailto:gflato at nanometrics.com> .com
<blocked::mailto:v at nanometrics.com>


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