I count about 2 1/2 people for each language -not counting the training.

The 1/2 is the type who has experience with translation projects and  
knows the technology who dejargonizes the English original to ease  
the translation process..

Then there is the translator in the home country (Korea) who has been  
educated in Korean in the technology. (Thus, no literature grads  
translating electronics docs.)

Finally, the American-based counterpart who reads Korean and who can  
verify that everything is in place.

My experience is that local "resources" who know the technology but  
haven't been educated in the home country generally suffer from  
severe linguistic corruption (Chinglish, Spanglish, or whatever the  
equivalent would be for Korean and Japanese).  And the people who  
know the technology but who are not professional translators just let  
too much slip through the cracks.

Sorry for your VP - but if it's going to be done right, it'll cost  
some serious bucks - especially for the first few docs.

will white

On Mar 16, 2007, at 3:19 PM, Gillian Flato wrote:

> Guys,
> A VP at my company wants to hire a person whose main job functions are
> the following:
> Translate technical writing docs to Korean
> Train the Korean FSE's on the procedures in the docs.
> He also wants the same position for Japanese.
> Any idea the type of salary this person would command? Know anyone who
> qualifies?
> He thinks this would be cheaper than using a translation house  
> since we
> have thousands of procedures that need translation and more efficient
> since the person would also be a trainer.
> Thank you,
> <mailto:gflato at nanometrics.com>
> Gillian Flato
> Technical Writer (Software)
> nanometrics
> 1550 Buckeye Dr.
> Milpitas, CA. 95035
> (408.435.9600 x 316
> 7  408.232.5911
> * gflato at nanometrics <mailto:gflato at nanometrics.com> .com
> <blocked::mailto:v at nanometrics.com>
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One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture
out of such a trifling investment of fact. - Twain

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