For each question, I'd ask them to specify a number in the range 1-5 from
"Strongly Agree" to Strongly Disagree." Also, I'd include an option for them
tell you that they don't care or the question doesn't apply.

And finally, one of the most important parts of preparing a survey or
questionaire is testing it on half a dozen people, ideally customers, before
you send it out. After they fill it our and you talk with them a bit, you'll
find out quite a bit about how you should rephrase questions and what else
you should be asking.

If I were you, I'd use a free/cheap survey web site to run it, so it's quick
and easy for the people to fill out and painless for you to interpret. is popular in the states.

Finally, be aware that your survey isn't going to give you an accurate read
on what customers want... it's going to survey customers that have both the
time and interest to respond.... which is still worth doing.


Art Campbell
                    art.campbell at
 "... In my opinion, there's nothing in this world beats a '52 Vincent and a
redheaded girl." -- Richard Thompson
                                                     No disclaimers apply.
                                                              DoD 358

On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Andersen, Verner Engell VEA <
verner.andersen at> wrote:

> Hi
> I am going to send out a questionnaire to our customers about
> documentation.
> I am interested in good advice, maybe a template or a sample
> questionnaire.
> I am interested in knowing whether customers prefer online help or the
> paper manual, whether they need translated screen shots or they can live
> English ones in all the translated versions of the manual, whether they
> prefer task-orietend help or are happy with the screen based
> context-sensitive help, whether there is something they can do without.
> Also these questions should be phrased so that we get the customers'
> real opinion. Should the questionare be a mjultiple choice, and all the
> questions be phrased so that you can select between the same choices for
> the whole questionnaire?
> Please reply off list.
> Med venlig hilsen - Best regards
> Verner Andersen
> Technical Writer
> Radiometer Medical ApS
> Phone +45 3827 3612
> Fax +45 3827 2727
> verner.andersen at
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Radiometer Medical ApS
> Akandevej 21
> 2700 Bronshoj
> Denmark
> Phone: +45 38 27 38 27
> CVR: 27 50 91 85
> --------------------------------------------------------
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