
Cannot answer your question without further information.

Platform, what you did, etc.

Assume you have read the help on how to generate pdf files and  
bookmarks for example, this text is copied from the help:

To set bookmarks:

    1. In the PDF Setup dialog box, choose Bookmarks from the pop-up  
menu, or click the Bookmarks tab (Windows/UNIX).
    2. Select Generate PDF Bookmarks.
    3. To specify at which level bookmarks appear expanded in the  
exported PDF, select an option from the Bookmarks Expanded through  
Level pop-up menu. You can type a value, such as 2, to specify that  
you only want the top two levels expanded.
    4. To indicate which paragraphs should be converted to PDF  
bookmarks, move paragraph tags between scroll lists. The paragraphs in  
the Include Paragraphs scroll list will have bookmarks in the PDF  
file. To move a tag between scroll lists, select the tag and click an  
arrow or double-click the tag. To move all the tags from one scroll  
list to the other, Shift-click an arrow. To omit bookmarks, deselect  
Generate PDF Bookmarks.
    5. To change bookmark levels for the included paragraphs, select a  
paragraph tag and click a Bookmark Level arrow. To change the level of  
all items, Shift-click a Bookmark Level arrow. If the indent for a tag  
exceeds six levels, n> precedes the paragraph tag, where n is the  
indentation level of the paragraph tag.
    6. To include paragraph tags along with the paragraph text in the  
bookmarks, select Include Paragraph Tags in Bookmark Text. Use this  
option to check the assigned levels of bookmarks in a draft of the PDF  
file. (Deselect this option when you print the final draft of the  
    7. Set up article threading by doing one of the following:
           * To have the reading order of each article follow the same  
order that the insertion point moves, select Articles and choose  
Thread by Column from the pop-up menu. This setting is usually the  
most appropriate in multicolumn formats.
           * To have the reading order of each article go from text  
frame to text frame, select Articles and choose Thread by Text Frame  
from the pop-up menu. This setting is usually the most appropriate in  
single-column formats.
           * To create no article threads, deselect Articles.


On 18/08/2010, at 6:02 AM, Christine Snow wrote:

> Hello all,
> First-timer  here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf  
> with both bookmarks and cropmarks?
> Thanks!
> Christine

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand

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