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Begin forwarded message:
> Thanks Alan!
> Sorry, yes, more info. Windows. FM 7.2.
> All the bookmarks are set up along with the levels, etc. I can  
> generate the bookmarks by themselves in a PDF. But as soon as I try  
> to generate a pdf with both the bookmarks and the Tombo cropmarks, I  
> only see the Tombo cropmarks in the pdf.
> I've played with the paper sizes and I originally had 8.5 x 11 paper  
> size (page size in the FM document was 7.5 x 8 or something like  
> that).
> I continued to google this issue and came across a comment that  
> someone said to keep making the paper size larger, such as tabloid  
> paper size, and then generate the pdf and run through distiller.  
> (When I do that I see my bookmarks but not the cropmarks.)
> Then open up the pdf in Acrobat and then crop the pages to the  
> desired page size. And sure enough, as soon as I did that, I saw the  
> cropmarks.
> This seems like a very odd process to get the desired results. The  
> client whose files these are only has FM version 7.1. We have 7.2.  
> Client is on vacation so they can't answer our questions on how they  
> generate their pdfs. I'm wondering if we are missing an update? Or  
> we have installed an update that the client doesn't have?
> Thanks!
> Christine
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan T Litchfield [mailto:alan at]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 4:39 PM
> To: Christine Snow
> Cc: framers at
> Subject: Re: Framemaker 7 - need bookmarks and cropmarks in PDF
> Christine,
> Cannot answer your question without further information.
> Platform, what you did, etc.
> Assume you have read the help on how to generate pdf files and  
> bookmarks for example, this text is copied from the help:
> To set bookmarks:
>    1. In the PDF Setup dialog box, choose Bookmarks from the pop-up  
> menu, or click the Bookmarks tab (Windows/UNIX).
>    2. Select Generate PDF Bookmarks.
>    3. To specify at which level bookmarks appear expanded in the  
> exported PDF, select an option from the Bookmarks Expanded through  
> Level pop-up menu. You can type a value, such as 2, to specify that  
> you only want the top two levels expanded.
>    4. To indicate which paragraphs should be converted to PDF  
> bookmarks, move paragraph tags between scroll lists. The paragraphs  
> in the Include Paragraphs scroll list will have bookmarks in the PDF  
> file. To move a tag between scroll lists, select the tag and click  
> an arrow or double-click the tag. To move all the tags from one  
> scroll list to the other, Shift-click an arrow. To omit bookmarks,  
> deselect Generate PDF Bookmarks.
>    5. To change bookmark levels for the included paragraphs, select  
> a paragraph tag and click a Bookmark Level arrow. To change the  
> level of all items, Shift-click a Bookmark Level arrow. If the  
> indent for a tag exceeds six levels, n> precedes the paragraph tag,  
> where n is the indentation level of the paragraph tag.
>    6. To include paragraph tags along with the paragraph text in the  
> bookmarks, select Include Paragraph Tags in Bookmark Text. Use this  
> option to check the assigned levels of bookmarks in a draft of the  
> PDF file. (Deselect this option when you print the final draft of the
> document.)
>    7. Set up article threading by doing one of the following:
>           * To have the reading order of each article follow the  
> same order that the insertion point moves, select Articles and  
> choose Thread by Column from the pop-up menu. This setting is  
> usually the most appropriate in multicolumn formats.
>           * To have the reading order of each article go from text  
> frame to text frame, select Articles and choose Thread by Text Frame  
> from the pop-up menu. This setting is usually the most appropriate  
> in single-column formats.
>           * To create no article threads, deselect Articles.
> Alan
> On 18/08/2010, at 6:02 AM, Christine Snow wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> First-timer  here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf with
>> both bookmarks and cropmarks?
>> Thanks!
>> Christine
> --
> Alan T Litchfield
> AlphaByte
> PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
> New Zealand

Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand

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