On 18/08/2010, at 10:04 AM, Fred Ridder wrote:

> Newbie Christine asked:
>> First-timer here to this site...why cannot I not generate a pdf  
>> with both bookmarks and cropmarks?
> That's by design. It's "horses for courses".
> Crop marks are only useful/relevant when you're preparing camera- 
> ready copy and the final deliverable with be hard copy. Bookmarks  
> are only useable when you're preparing an electronic deliverable  
> (the PDF itself) that will be used interactively. If you're  
> preparing camera-ready copy, hyperlinks and interactive features are  
> useless and just get in the way in the printing process. When you're  
> delivering an interactive document, it's really annoying for users  
> to see a large page area with a small text area and crop marks,  
> since that forces them to zoom in to make the text easier to read  
> and then live have to scroll over large amounts of whitespace in the  
> top and bottom page margins. If you select "Generate Acrobat  
> Data" (i.e. enable interactive features), FrameMaker automatically  
> disables crop marks, and vice versa. If you're generating PDFs for  
> two disparate purposes, you should be generating two separate,  
> optimized PDFs.
> -Fred Ridder                                  
> _______________________________________________

Not strictly true however. I have done several projects over the past  
few years where the page size was smaller than A4 and the client  
wanted to print out hard copies for copy checkers to write on but  
needed to be aware of the page margins. They also wanted to check  
hyperlinks, bookmarks, etc.

I use 7.1 for these.

What I do is set the crop marks when I print to PS, and bookmarks are  
there too. Run the PS through Distiller and generate the PDF. When you  
open the PDF you will not see the crop marks but they are there  
between the art box and crop box. So to display the crop marks I open  
the PDF in Acrobat and change the settings in Advanced > Print  
Production > Crop Pages. This is Acrobat 9.3.3.


Alan T Litchfield
PO Box 141, Auckland, 1140
New Zealand

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