If it's that little content I would bring it in as plain text and
reformat as you go. It wouldn't be the trendy way to do it but you
would probably spend less time doing it that way than messing with

On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:56 AM, mathieu jacquet <bobitch at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am working on Vista 64 with FM 9.
> I have read that it was possible to import DocBook files into FM. But I've 
> also read that this could turn to nightmare when it comes to create the 
> proper EDD. I am not familiar at all with structured Frame. So my question 
> is, how easy is it to import a DocBook file into FM, and what would it 
> require to achieve that nicely ? Also, is it mandatory to use structured FM 
> for doing so ? And if yes, how much work would it be to turn an unstructured 
> "light" FM document (3 chapters, about 75 pages) into a structured one ?
> Thank you all for your valuable expertise,
> Mathieu.
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