I really don't know docbook, but *if* you can export it as a .doc file 
or .rtf, you can open it straight in frame.

Shmuel Wolfson
Technical Writer

On 07-Jul-10 4:30 PM, Steve Johnson wrote:
> If it's that little content I would bring it in as plain text and
> reformat as you go. It wouldn't be the trendy way to do it but you
> would probably spend less time doing it that way than messing with
> EDDs.
> On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 7:56 AM, mathieu jacquet<bobitch at hotmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I am working on Vista 64 with FM 9.
>> I have read that it was possible to import DocBook files into FM. But I've 
>> also read that this could turn to nightmare when it comes to create the 
>> proper EDD. I am not familiar at all with structured Frame. So my question 
>> is, how easy is it to import a DocBook file into FM, and what would it 
>> require to achieve that nicely ? Also, is it mandatory to use structured FM 
>> for doing so ? And if yes, how much work would it be to turn an unstructured 
>> "light" FM document (3 chapters, about 75 pages) into a structured one ?
>> Thank you all for your valuable expertise,
>> Mathieu.
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