On Tue, 11 Jan 2011 05:18:04 -0800, Paul Carr <obair at me.com> 

>I told them that Frame would make the development of 
>the .chm-friendly content much easier than Word, because 
>of Frame's advanced x-ref options, for one thing. 

True, and the numbering is stable too.  Along with
dozens of other reasons Frame 8 is better than Word
for tech pubs.  More recent FM versions may not be.

>I believe that I can go from Frame to .chm. 

No, you can't.  You could use Mif2Go (our product,
for $295), or ePublisher (for way more), directly with
the Frame files.  Other apps, like Flare and Robo,
import the Frame files instead, which means lots
more work for every revision.  Robo claims to "link",
but see what its users have to say about that on:
and decide for yourself.

-- Jeremy H. Griffith, at Omni Systems Inc.
  <jeremy at omsys.com>  http://www.omsys.com/

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