> No, you can't. ?You could use Mif2Go (our product,
> for $295), or ePublisher (for way more), directly with
> the Frame files. ?Other apps, like Flare and Robo,
> import the Frame files instead, which means lots
> more work for every revision. ?Robo claims to "link",
> but see what its users have to say about that on:
> ?http://groups.google.com/group/TCS-Users
> and decide for yourself.

FWIW, I've used linking between RH & FM with little issue. The only
issue I found was with regard to conditional text, which I documented
on my blog.

That said, I still feel that Mif2Go and ePublisher outshine other
offerings with regard to single-sourcing from FrameMaker. Though,
it'll be interesting to see what's truly under the hood of TCS3.

Bill Swallow

Twitter: @techcommdood
Blog: http://techcommdood.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/techcommdood

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