There is no native CHM conversion, merely save as HTML. You *can* save
as HTML and then create all of your TOC/IX/keyword files, manage map
IDs, and then compile it all outside of FM using HTML Help Workshop or
another product with the compiler, but you also might have better uses
of your time.

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Fei Min Lorente
<FeiMin.Lorente at> wrote:
> Yes, you can go from FrameMaker to .chm files, but I would recommend
> using something like Mif2Go or WebWorks ePublisher because the native
> FrameMaker conversion has never been that robust. However, Adobe just
> released FrameMaker 10, so maybe it's better.

Bill Swallow

Twitter: @techcommdood

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