Unfortunately, it's not a rumor. They made a mistake calling the 
subscription CC, though. It should have been called FU. To paraphrase 
someone else's quote on one of the Adobe forums, "It's like paying for 
air. Stop paying and everything stops."

I've always upgraded my CS every version, even though I couldn't really 
justify it financially. I just enjoyed having new features and new that 
it was an option. I didn't have to upgrade. I could keep using my 
existing version-- even if I had to keep an old computer and operating 
system around to make it work. What happens now? Now if you quit paying, 
you have to go pay someone else full price to keep using your existing 
files with their software.

Anyway, it's looking like CS6 will be my last version. I don't plan to 
subscribe and wish the rest of you would boycott the idea, just to keep 
the choice there for those of us who need or want it. I see Adobe stock 
is down about 10% since the announcement. I hope it falls more so that 
they'll change their minds.


On 5/9/2013 11:37 AM, Steve Rickaby wrote:
> I have just heard a rumor that the CS Suite is going to available in future 
> only on an SaaS basis, by subscription. TCS/FrameMaker could follow?

/Sent from my supercharged custom computer with three 24" monitors. It 
beats the crap out of anybody's piddly smartphone./
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