Look at your license agreement...you dont own them now.
On May 9, 2013 12:42 PM, "Steve Rickaby" <srickaby at wordmongers.demon.co.uk>

> I have just heard a rumor that the CS Suite is going to available in
> future only on an SaaS basis, by subscription. TCS/FrameMaker could follow?
> I do wonder whether the accountants that run large corporates like Adobe
> understand how important their software is to the countless thousands of
> freelances who have to scrape every last penny to buy it - but at least
> then they own something, not vapor that goes phut as soon as you stop
> paying for it.
> For the last two decades FrameMaker, Illustrator, Acrobat and Dreamweaver
> have been the rocks underpinning what I do. I'm far less sure about the
> future, though.
> --
> Steve [somewhat aghast]
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