Hi, John!

Clearly, there will definitely be people for whom it will work ... and if the 
model works for you, then great! But, I think that in many cases, the complete 
set of CC tools may not be needed and/or wanted.

For example, all I need from Adobe is for the old update fee for FrameMaker, 
and possibly Acrobat Pro - which would keep me using it in the future. The 
price for this _was_ only a few hundred dollars for two years (my justification 
for continuing after the version upgrade price jumped form $199 to $399 for 

If FrameMaker gets bundled into CC, then the cost of $1200 for two years (at 
$50 per month) is high, since I don't need/want any of the other tools in 
there. If each program independently costs $20 per month, then the cost of 
FrameMaker and Acrobat at $960 for two years is still excessively high, IMHO.

If this new model causes Adobe to lose many smaller single-users from 
continuing with Adobe tools, and Adobe does not care, then I'd say my belief is 

However, like I had mentioned in my previous, this is purely my opinion and 
belief ... :)


From: John Posada [mailto:jposad...@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2013 3:18 PM
To: Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at aeris.net)
Cc: Steve Rickaby; framers at lists.frameusers.com
Subject: Re: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription only

Syed: "smaller-entity" users (such as individual tech writers, graphics artists 
and consultants) for whom the cost of tools is an issue...

I AM one of them and the cost of tools is very much an issue...I could never 
have afforded the one-time purchase of thousands of dollars I'd need to get 
what's in CC. OTOH, $50 a month a can easily afford. IMHO, this is a great 

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Syed Zaeem Hosain (Syed.Hosain at 
aeris.net<mailto:Syed.Hosain at aeris.net>) <Syed.Hosain at 
aeris.net<mailto:Syed.Hosain at aeris.net>> wrote:
This is not just a rumor I think ... it is mentioned on the Adobe web site for 
their CS tools (... have not seen anything for FrameMaker though). This may 
work for some (many?) corporate users, but as far as I am concerned, it is just 
one more nail in the Adobe tools coffin (for example, see my recent rant on 
their FrameMaker license maintenance policy change).

To me (and I emphasize I am only expressing my opinion and belief), it looks 
like Adobe is heading away from supporting their "smaller-entity" users (such 
as individual tech writers, graphics artists and consultants) for whom the cost 
of tools is an issue.

So we have to look for alternatives. For example, I now use Xara Photo and 
Graphic Designer instead of Adobe Photoshop (I stopped upgrading at version 
CS3). The good news is that there are less expensive, rational licensing, 
alternatives to many Adobe products. FrameMaker is one that may be more 
difficult to find an alternative for - I simply plan to never upgrade from 
version 11 again and just look for alternatives. I am even back to Word (eek!) 
for many shorter documents - my last five or six 10-20 page white-papers have 
come out reasonably well in Word! Where I used to fire up FrameMaker to do all 
writing, I find myself using Word more and more for trip reports, memos, 
white-papers, etc. And the experience isn't as bad as I was afraid it might be.

My bottom line is that a SaaS model is not an acceptable model for these kinds 
of tools.


-----Original Message-----
From: framers-bounces at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers-bounces at 
lists.frameusers.com> [mailto:framers-bounces at 
lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers-boun...@lists.frameusers.com>] On Behalf Of 
Steve Rickaby
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 9:38 AM
To: framers at lists.frameusers.com<mailto:framers at lists.frameusers.com>
Subject: OT: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription only

I have just heard a rumor that the CS Suite is going to available in future 
only on an SaaS basis, by subscription. TCS/FrameMaker could follow?

I do wonder whether the accountants that run large corporates like Adobe 
understand how important their software is to the countless thousands of 
freelances who have to scrape every last penny to buy it - but at least then 
they own something, not vapor that goes phut as soon as you stop paying for it.

For the last two decades FrameMaker, Illustrator, Acrobat and Dreamweaver have 
been the rocks underpinning what I do. I'm far less sure about the future, 

Steve [somewhat aghast]

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John Posada
Rock portfolio: http://jposada.zenfolio.com/musicportfolio
Twitter: @rockbandphotos
Blog: http://jposada.zenfolio.com/blog
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