Actually, the right subscription model might appeal to many companies. It
can be cost effective for the company (a known monthly, smallish outflow of
cash), but is certainly harder on the user/contractor since they will be
more acutely aware of the fact that they are having to constantly
incorporate new functionality into their way of working (and excising old,
tried-and-true methods). It's difficult to juggle all that for the
contractor, but a company just sees the software as a single tool useful to
its goals that has a predictable cost.

If Adobe were to offer the software free to contractors who then end up
working for companies who are required to buy the software, that could
benefit us all. Oxygen has a license for academic users (relatively cheap)
that precludes them from using an academic copy to produce commercial work.
If they end up doing commercial work, they are required to buy the normal
license. This model allows them explore the product freely.

The vast majority of my work in the Adobe Technical Communication Suite is
related to the academic sphere. Yet when I work on-site for a business
client, their license is the one used for these commercial projects. This
allows me to keep on top of the product features and yet have (at least
through TCS 3) inexpensive access to the tools so that I am able to explore
the features of the tools. The abandonment of the academic license with TCS
4 was a loss in this regard.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Alison Craig
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 12:05 PM
To: framers at; Writer; Steve Rickaby
Subject: RE: OT: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription only

It's not just freelancers that will be affected. Until my company was
recently purchased by a larger organization, I had always worked for small
to medium-sized businesses as the sole writer. Trying to get a budget for
tools could be like pulling teeth. I somehow doubt most of my former
employers would ever go for the subscription model.

Which means for many sole writers, it will be back to using Word!


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:framers-bounces at] On Behalf Of Writer
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 9:57 AM
To: Steve Rickaby; framers at
Subject: Re: OT: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription only

I was wondering when someone was going to bring this up. I share your
sentiments/fears exactly, Steve.


----- Original Message -----
> From: Steve Rickaby <srickaby at>
> To: framers at
> Cc: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2013 12:37:59 PM
> Subject: OT: Corporate madness - Adobe software to be subscription 
> only
> I have just heard a rumor that the CS Suite is going to available in 
> future only on an SaaS basis, by subscription. TCS/FrameMaker could
> I do wonder whether the accountants that run large corporates like 
> Adobe understand how important their software is to the countless 
> thousands of freelances who have to scrape every last penny to buy it
> - but at least then they own something, not vapor that goes phut as soon
as you stop paying for it.
> For the last two decades FrameMaker, Illustrator, Acrobat and 
> Dreamweaver have been the rocks underpinning what I do. I'm far less 
> sure about the future, though.
> --
> Steve [somewhat aghast]

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