Afterthoughts are always enlightening.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone reporting this problem describe the
other main applications - like MS office apps, and utilities, browsers,
messaging tools, background agents like Acrobat's watched folder daemon,
etc. - that are running at the same time as the failing FM installation.

If there were such a thing as one's copious spare time, it could be
interesting to see if FM failed the same way when running as the only
active application.

Also, has anyone analyzed the crash logs for information about conflicts
with other applications?

Finally, this popped up from my application-specific reptile-brain
repository: in the early days, there were suggested operating system
settings, like files=## and buffers=##, where ## were numbers that
allocated specific amounts of memory space for applications to use for
specific chores, if the OS or application needed more than was
automatically reserved. Granted, OSs are smarter, and current machines have
more resources, but perhaps FM could benefit from a bit of archaic help
here. It just takes two lines in a startup config file to try it, and the
wish that it doesn't unexpectedly break anything.  :)

One more thing: does anyone who runs more than two or more simultaneous FM
installations experience the failure after long portions of work without
restarts? If so, so all installations fail together, or just the one with a
dominant being actively edited?

On Mon, Oct 3, 2022, 11:55 AM Craig, Alison GLI/CA <> wrote:

> I don't get this type of freeze/crash, but I do get regular crashes
> (latest version of Frame using the (hated) subscription model)

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