
This isn't strictly a framework team subject, but thought I'd give a little heads-up on something Hanno and myself have been discussing:

For Plone 3.1, I want to do a big translation push. Our goal is to get the 40 languages that cover more than 99% of the world's online population as complete as possible.

However, Plone 3.0 ships with translation files that contain strings for both 2.5 and 3.0. We did a major cleanup in 3.0, killing off a lot of happytalk, and as a result, there's less fluff to translate.

You probably see where I'm going with this, but: I'd like to ship 3.1 with a set of .po files that do not contain the strings from Plone 2.5. Hanno said it would take him "a couple of hours" to weed out the stuff that is 2.5-specific, and agrees that it would be a good thing to do.

It will make Plone easier to translate, and increase our participation and success rate with the upcoming translation push.


Alexander Limi ยท http://limi.net

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