On Feb 1, 2008, at 9:32 AM, Alexander Limi wrote:
You probably see where I'm going with this, but: I'd like to ship 3.1 with a set of .po files that do not contain the strings from Plone 2.5. Hanno said it would take him "a couple of hours" to weed out the stuff that is 2.5-specific, and agrees that it would be a good thing to do.

sounds like something to do on the plane... :)

It will make Plone easier to translate, and increase our participation and success rate with the upcoming translation push.

+1 from me as well.

talking about "weeding out stuff" bring another thing to mind. not exactly related to translations, but i'll throw it in here anyway: tools like pylint[1] and pyflakes[2] have really grown on me ever since i started using them. imho they not only help with keeping code clean, but also with quickly catching typos and errors, effectively saving you a lot of time.

the plone code base, however, is still loaded with unused imports and other stuff producing warnings and error when checked with these, which once again became very obvious while doing reviews for plone 3.1. hmm, to avoid misunderstandings i should inject that the new code i've reviewed was perfectly fine in this regard and it was pretty evident from the changesets that george for example uses either of those (or a similar tool) as well.

so this is more about the existing code base, and i was repeatedly wondering when would be the best time to start cleaning up these issues. i reckon doing it for minor releases would sort of require a PLIP, and bugfix releases are probably out of the question, too, but deferring it to the next major release would imply waiting another long while. and besides, this would also mean that all affected packages[3] would need branches for their stable line of bugfix releases, which would result in a lot of additional maintenance efforts.

so, what would be a sensible way to approach this?



[1] http://www.logilab.org/project/name/pylint
[2] http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/DivmodPyflakes
[3] which basically means all packages except `statusmessages` (guess who owns that ;)) as you can see from the attached list counting the warnings; i should note that this list still contains warnings about namespace package `__init__.py`s and convenience imports in interfaces/ etc, so it's exaggerating things a little... :)

/opt/zope/sprint/pristine-3.0-> find products/ src/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 
-type d -not -name .svn | xargs pyflakes | cut -d/ -f-2 | uniq -c
    334 products/ATContentTypes
     42 products/ATReferenceBrowserWidget
     23 products/AdvancedQuery
    283 products/Archetypes
      5 products/CMFActionIcons
    110 products/CMFCalendar
     79 products/CMFCore
    860 products/CMFDefault
     38 products/CMFDiffTool
      6 products/CMFDynamicViewFTI
     75 products/CMFEditions
     12 products/CMFFormController
     49 products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow
    770 products/CMFPlone
      8 products/CMFQuickInstallerTool
     93 products/CMFTestCase
     62 products/CMFTopic
      9 products/CMFUid
     25 products/DCWorkflow
     43 products/ExtendedPathIndex
     47 products/ExternalEditor
     53 products/GenericSetup
    290 products/GroupUserFolder
    107 products/Marshall
     31 products/MimetypesRegistry
     47 products/NuPlone
      3 products/PasswordResetTool
     15 products/PlacelessTranslationService
     10 products/PloneLanguageTool
     32 products/PlonePAS
     95 products/PloneTestCase
     43 products/PloneTranslations
     82 products/PluggableAuthService
     15 products/PluginRegistry
     76 products/PortalTransforms
     24 products/ResourceRegistries
     45 products/SecureMailHost
     21 products/ZopeVersionControl
     43 products/i18ntestcase
    151 products/kupu
     42 products/validation
      3 src/archetypes.kss
      4 src/five.customerize
      6 src/five.localsitemanager
     90 src/kss.core
      9 src/plone.app.content
     14 src/plone.app.contentmenu
     53 src/plone.app.contentrules
      8 src/plone.app.controlpanel
      2 src/plone.app.customerize
     11 src/plone.app.form
      4 src/plone.app.i18n
     16 src/plone.app.iterate
      6 src/plone.app.kss
     10 src/plone.app.layout
      2 src/plone.app.linkintegrity
      2 src/plone.app.openid
     67 src/plone.app.portlets
      5 src/plone.app.redirector
      5 src/plone.app.viewletmanager
      6 src/plone.app.vocabularies
     12 src/plone.app.workflow
      8 src/plone.contentrules
      3 src/plone.fieldsets
     21 src/plone.i18n
      3 src/plone.intelligenttext
      7 src/plone.locking
     19 src/plone.memoize
      7 src/plone.openid
     12 src/plone.portlets
      3 src/plone.session
      4 src/plone.theme
     29 src/txtfilter
    138 src/wicked

zeidler it consulting - http://zitc.de/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at http://zitc.de/pgp - http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net/
plone 3.0.5 released! -- http://plone.org/products/plone

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