On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 15:28, Tom Lazar <li...@tomster.org> wrote:
> thanks wichert for your reminder and andi and raphael for your quick
> replies.

Indeed, thanks!

> https://dev.plone.org/plone/wiki/PLIPTallies33

Great, Tom! I've added my name for:

  #197   "Add FeedParser as external requirement"
  #239   "Adapterise the Extensible Indexable Object Wrapper"
  #240   "Improve locking configurability"
  #241   "Clean up auto-sort: auto-order code"
  #247   "Automate ZCML Loading for Plone Plug-ins"

Only 2 plips do not yet have a second reviewer assigned:

  #237   "Minor i18n upgrades"
  #243   "Replace workflow history viewlet with content history viewlet"

Shall we tackle these ad hoc or will someone take these?

Martijn Pieters

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