Folks, Gene asked for 360° _tracking_ shots, not pans.

Is there an old DePalma film that DOESN'T have one?

I can't recall if any of the 'bullet time' slo-mo shots in the Matrix films, or 
subsequent action films that aped that technique, went all the way around But 
I'm guessing there are examples (??). Or under-cranked examples (??).
It seems almost so common now that exemplars in commercial cinema just fade 
into 'oh no, not that again'…

Though Gene specified on-tracks or Stedicam, I think I might have seen circling 
some subject in handheld/nausea-cam stuff. Are there examples in any 
documentary actualities? It seems like something Pennebaker would have done at 
least once… 'One PM' maybe?
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