This sounds /very /dubious and highly unlikely. How can you be sure "it" is North Korean TV? Also, there are probably sanctions laws on doing business with North Korea. You don't want to wind up in Gitmo, right?

If it's a scam, please let us all know. Hint: if they want you to pay some kind of fee first, it is a scam.

Fred Camper

On 3/12/2020 8:48 PM, christopher nigel wrote:
I would find out. what there would like too use it for ?
before you make any kind of a agreement as could back fire on you in
this age of paranoid .


On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 7:00 PM Myron Ort <> wrote:
Believe it or not I was contacted by N. Korean TV who wanted to use 5 seconds 
from one  of my films. What might be a customary fee and is my granting 
permission via email sufficient copyright authorization. I might have to tell 
them that the music is not necessarily copyright free.
Just curious about this. I don’t really mind letting them use it for free but 
then again it is N. Korea.

Myron Ort

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