Hey Myron:

Did they (whoever they are) tell you which five seconds they want to license? 
If so, can you describe that content for us? (I’m quite curious..)

I shall attempt to address the copyright questions fwiw:
(Necessary disclaimer: while I have studied copyright issues, I am not a lawyer)

I don’t think there is customary fee, i.e. it all depends…

What constitutes sufficient authorization for _copyright_ purposes is probably 
up to the parties in the arrangement. I.e. if you wanted to use 5 seconds of 
one of MY old films, I’d happily just send you permission via email. Rather 
than a simple text email, though, I'd create a .pdf of a letter with a 
signature a letter with a  pdfnd send that. The matter of “doing businees with 
North Korea” is an entirely different matter, and I have no clue what would be 
sufficient authorization for that.

Yes, you would have to tell them you don’t hold the rights to the music, if 
they don’t already know. Again, just as far as copyright is concerned, your 
visual track and the music track are separate works with separate rights. 
Whether ‘party x’ can use your images is up to you.  Whether ‘party x’ can use 
the music is up to whoever is the rightsholder for that. 

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