On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Mayhem & Chaos Coordinator wrote:

> > Now, I am ready to start debugging dual-processor NT hangs that I've
> > been experiencing. I figure I will start with the Windows PMO, but first
> > I have some questions:
> Dual processor NT with a SB Live! card? If so, do you have another card that
> you might stick in there just to see if the SB Live! is causing problems?
> I've heard not so good things about SB Live on NT with multiple processors.

Yes, this describes my setup to a T. I have also heard about others
experiencing this problem, but I suspect that one of the following
situations hold:-

a) The hang is due to a bug in SoundBlaster's drivers and we can find
a simple, 100% reproducible code example to submit to Creative Labs.

b) The hang is due to a bug in SoundBlaster's drivers and we can find
a workaround in our code that avoids the problem.

c) The hang is due to a bug in the Freeamp code and it only shows up
due to an idiosyncracy in SoundBlaster's drivers.

I only see this hang with Freeamp. Quake3 runs like a champ, as do other
apps like CoolEdit, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, etc.

> > 3) Who is the main person for these two PMOs?
> Sylvain Rebaud wrote the DirectSound PMO and maintain that now. I've also
> rewritten the soundcard PMO a couple of times, and I'm still not quite happy
> with it. :-(

Well... :) The PMO model does not mesh well with DirectSound, nor are you
happy with the soundcard PMO. Would generalizing the PMO model help at


| Chad Loder - Somerville, MA, USA                 |
| EMail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
| Home Page: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/cloder    |


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