Benjamin Lutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Something occurred to me just now. I've been looking at the summer of
 > code page, where I noticed the "Rewrite cvsup in C" entry. When Perl
 > was removed from the FreeBSD base, the general notion was to rewrite
 > any Perl scripts in sh or C.

Or awk.  In fact, I helped porting several of the more
important perl scripts to awk.

 > Why is it that C++ is not used for our programs?

It is used for some userland programs.  I guess the authors
liked C++ and thought it would be advantageous to use it.

Personally think that C++ is not a particularly good example
of an OOP language.  Apart from that, not all problems are
solved best using OOP techniques.

If you aim at correctness (robustness, safety, whatever),
you should rather have a look at something like Cyclone or
O'Caml.  Both are no more or less efficient than C or C++,
provide compile-time type-safety, and it's impossible to
"implement" buffer overflows.  They're not in the FreeBSD
base system, though.


Best regards

Oliver Fromme,  secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing
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