> Efficiency is of prime importance in systems programming.

        I could not disagree more, depending upon what you're really trying to 
Performance may have been paramount ten years or more ago, and there's
certainly a very small amount of code where performance really is the most
important thing. But in the vast majority of cases, even in non-kernel
systems programming, the ability to maintain, understand, and verify that
the code is correct is *way* more important.

        Obviously, gratuituous inefficiency doesn't help anything. But in the 
majority of cases where you have to choose between efficiency and almost
anything else, you should chose the other thing.

        The is especially true for the alleged inefficiency of C++ in 
comparison to
C. You can shoot yourself in the foot with either language, of course. But
proper use of C++ features does *not* measurably impact performance on
modern processors with modern compilers.

        Of course, you can use OOP to write code that's harder to maintain,
understand, and verify too. That's obviously not good.

        C++ doesn't force you to use any of its features. It just gives you more
possibilities, each of which you are free to use only when it makes sense.

        Also, to save a separate post, I'd say to:

>Why did I even ask the question? I perceive correctness as a big problem
>programming in C. It is difficult to know for sure that a C program is
>correct, since there are no guards against mistakes like string buffer
>overflows, erroneous pointer handling or memory allocation. C++ is of
>far from being a golden bullet, but it does solve some of the problems
>C++ strings instead of char* generally means you don't have to worry about
>string buffer overflows).

        Well, you can do anything in any language. However, C++ does make some
things a lot easier. For example, you can plug in a debug version of your
string class and get extra checks in all string operations that use it. This
is a lot harder to do in C. In a release build, you can get the string class
to inline to the point where there is no measurable performance hit. (In
fact, if you do clever allocation tricks, you can make the string class pay
for itself. Not that you couldn't do this in C, you just are much less
likely to simply because it's harder.)

        The reasons C is used over C++ in non-kernel code are basically three:

        1) C is more widely known than C++. Choosing C++ reduces the number of
people who are likely to work on a project.

        2) When the language was chosen for a lot of projects, C++ wasn't
available, wasn't stable, or had specific implementation issues (such as
slow compilation, poor optimization, and so on).

        3) A lot of people are illogically biased against C++. The two largest
forms are "C is better than C++ because it doesn't have any of the defects
C++ added to C" and "C++ has poor performance compared to C, and performance
is the most important thing". Largely, these arguments quickly collapse into
the equivalent of "I don't know C++ as well as I know C", reducing this to
reason 1.


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