
Let's say I have a very simple washing machine program.
Now it has a timer which the duration of the spinning can be set.
If I press the 3-minute button, wires beneath will get shorted.
Electric current will flow into pin number 5 of the parallel cable
connected to the parallel port of my PC. Now the CPU has a pin
connected to this port. If it receives let's say 5V, it will stop
what it's doing and 

> fetches the
> address of an "interrupt handler routine" from memory,
> and jumps to that address (i.e. starts executing
> instructions from that address).  That handler is
> usually installed in memory by the operating system.
> The code checks which device caused the interrupt,
> and then executes the appropriate routine in the
> corresponding device driver.

And when exactly did the Operating system installed this interrupt
handler?? And suppose this handler runs the driver and the 
appropriate routine inside it, how did the driver able to convert the
current into a machine understandable data and was able to pass it
to a program and the program receive the data as 3 minutes?
Driver is just a software right? This part is what really confuses me. 
I'm sure if I can find out how electric current have been actually
converted into 1's and 0's I will not have trouble understanding
how it can be converted the other way around. It has something to
do with registers right? What are this registers looks like? A microchip
that can get written using electric current?

What are these 1's and 0's look like anyway? How are they written in the
memory? A chemical reaction when electric current flows into the ram?
Data that is written in the RAM differs the way they are written in a
hard drive or a CD right? But the truth is they are all 1's and 0's?

Thanks you very much!


On Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:33:56 +0200 (CEST), "Oliver Fromme"
> Mark Jayson Alvarez wrote:
>  > Good day! I could have sent this to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I know
>  > it will get treated as irrelevant topic as well. Just trying my luck
>  > here though.
> Actually this is most appropriate on the "chat" list.
> I've redirected replies there.
>  > I have a cousin who's taking up a programming course. He doesn't have
>  > background with programming nor an in depth understanding of how the
>  > computer works.  I tried explaining him that it all started with
>  > abacus, and that people wanted to use something that could make their
>  > arithmetic life easier and that Charles Babbage tried automating this
>  > manual calculator with his steam engine or some sort... and that...
> Actually Charles Babbage designed a complex mechanical
> computing machine (with lots of gearwheels etc.), but
> it only ever existed on paper.  Only small parts of it
> have actually been built, but never the whole thing,
> because it was too complex.  It would work in theory,
> though.  :-)
>  > This is how my programming teacher explains how a program gets
>  > executed.  First you compile it into a machine readable code, then
>  > the operating system writes it in the memory, and finally the CPU
>  > fetches it and it finally gets toasted by the electricity flowing on
>  > the CPU's surface.  It doesn't make things clearer though.:-(
> That's pretty close to the truth, actually.
>  > I really don't get it. Can you in a very simple sentence explain to
>  > me how and where a software program
> I'm afraid the interactions between memory, processor
> (CPU) and software is a complex thing which cannot be
> explained in a single simple sentence.  I'll try to
> explain a bit ...
> A processor is able to execute instructions which are
> called "machine code".  Basically it's a sequence of
> bytes stored in memory (RAM).  The processor fetches
> byte after byte from memory and executes the commands
> that they represent.  Such commands include:  "load
> a number from memory into a processor register", or
> "add these two processor registers and store the result
> in memory", or "check whether this value is zero, and
> if it is, then jump to a specified address in memory
> instead of continuing with the following instruction".
> It's possible to have loops, subroutines, interrupt
> routines and other things, but the details aren't
> important in order to get a basic understanding.
> Of course, most programmers don't write that machine
> code directly.  It's efficient for the processor to
> execute, but it's inconvenient for a human programmer
> to write.  A programmer usually writes programs in a
> higher-level language, such as C.  Then a tool called
> compiler is used to convert that "source code" into
> "machine code" that can be executed by the processor.
> The result is an executable file stored on disk (also
> called a "binary").
> When a binary is about to be executed, the operating
> system (such as FreeBSD) loads it from disk into RAM
> where its byte stream can be executed by the processor.
> Of course in reality it's more complicated, but the
> above are the very basic and low-level things that
> happen.
> Device drivers are somewhat different.  They're normal
> binaries, too (usually compiled from source code, too),
> but they're loaded once when the operating system boots
> the computer, or once when the appropriate kernel
> module is loaded.  Many device drivers are interrupt-
> driven.  When an external event occurs, such as a
> packet arriving on a network interface, or the user
> pressing a key on the keyboard, the hardware device
> signals an interrupt to the processor (basically a
> connector pin on the processor is set from "low" to
> "high", i.e. from 0 V to 5 V or similar).  The processor
> stops whatever it is doing right now, fetches the
> address of an "interrupt handler routine" from memory,
> and jumps to that address (i.e. starts executing
> instructions from that address).  That handler is
> usually installed in memory by the operating system.
> The code checks which device caused the interrupt,
> and then executes the appropriate routine in the
> corresponding device driver.  When it's finished,
> a "return" instruction is executed, which causes the
> processor to resume whatever it was doing before the
> interrupt occured.
>  > Does it have anything to do with the bios?
> The BIOS is also simply a piece of software, stored
> in a chip on the mainboard.  It initializes the hard-
> ware right after the machine is switched on, and
> arranges for the operating system to be booted from
> the disk (or from other kind of media if supported).
> After the operating system takes control of the box,
> the BIOS is not used anymore at all.  (There are
> certain exceptions, but lets forget about them for
> now.)
> Booting is usually a multi-stage process, i.e. first
> the BIOS loads a tiny boot loader from the first
> sector of the disk (the MBR == master boot record),
> then the code contained in the MBR loads the
> operating system's first stage boot loader and so
> on.  All of those stages still use BIOS routines
> to access the disk.  The last stage (in FreeBSD
> that's /boot/loader) loads the actual OS, i.e. the
> kernel and modules that are required to boot the OS.
> The kernel has its own device drivers for disks and
> other media, so it doesn't use the BIOS anymore.
>  > I told my cousin, that someday he will be a real programmer and that
>  > even if he will be dealing only with java, html, animation and all
>  > sorts of high level programming stuffs,
> It should be pointed out that HTML is not a programming
> language.  ;-)
>  > in the spirit of open source (and freebsd of course), it's better
>  > that he knows exactly how a program interacts with the physical
>  > computer.
> Well ...  It depends.  As a high-level programmer, it
> is good to know how machine code works and how the
> compiler generates it, because it also enables you
> to write more efficient programs.  That's especially
> true for kernel source and device drivers.
> On the other hand, both processors and compilers
> become more and more complex and advanced, and newly
> designed higher-level languages (such as Python)
> increase the "distance" between machine code and the
> source code that people write, so there is less
> relationship.
> Therefore I think that nowadays it is more important
> to learn software design, how to develop efficient
> algorithms, learn a bit about computational complexity
> (for example, when and why is quicksort faster than
> bubblesort) etc.
> At university there was a teacher who said that you
> should learn as many different programming languages
> as possible, at least one of every kind, i.e. one of
> the "classical brace languages", such as C, at least
> one object-oriented language (e.g. Smalltalk, Eiffel),
> one functional language (Haskell or OCaml), one
> assembly language (no matter which one) and so on.
> The more the better.
> Best regards
>    Oliver
> -- 
> Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
> Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
> secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
> chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart
> FreeBSD-Dienstleistungen, -Produkte und mehr:  http://www.secnetix.de/bsd
> "With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.  However, this
> is not necessarily a good idea.  It is hard to be sure where
> they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting
> under them as they fly overhead." -- RFC 1925
  Mark Jayson Alvarez

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