Jayton Garnett <jayton.garn...@gmail.com> wrote:
 > I just can not help but feel that buying Sun had something to do with
 > MySQL's demise and possibly ceasing funding for any of it's development.

No.  Buying Sun has something to do with Oracle wanting to
have their own "real" operating system.

I don't think the existence of MySQL played any role in
the agreement between Sun and Oracle.

 > Maybe it's going to be the opposite, maybe Oracle will continue with the
 > development of MySQL and apply some Oracle 'features' to MySQL...

By the way, I recommend to read the press release (if you
haven't done so yet):


MySQL doesn't fit in that picture at all.  So there are
several possibilities for Oracle:

 - Drop MySQL.  That would be a mistake, because they would
   lose the low-cost market:  Somebody else will pick it up
   and continue development -- it's GPL after all.

 - Merge Oracle DB with MySQL, or add features from Oracle DB
   to MySQL.  This doesn't make sense at all (apart from the
   fact that it would cause licensing problems).  Why would
   they want to do that?  That would weaken the position of
   the Oracle DB.

 - Don't change anything regarding MySQL, and let the MySQL
   development group continue to do their work.

So, I'm really not worried about the future of MySQL.
PostgreSQL is much better anyway.  ;-)

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
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