Where are this rules defined?


first - good that's proper definition of hacker explained.

FreeBSD-questions is a mailing list maintained by the FreeBSD project to help people who have questions about the normal use of FreeBSD.

while i still don't agree that many of things done is "normal use of freebsd" but that's my point of view.


- it's fine here to ask about mysql5 or mysql6 as it is normal view of FreeBSD. - it's not fine here to ask about sponsoring as it's not normal (and any) use of FreeBSD. - it's fine both to ask here about how to switch from windows, and presenting my point of view about this idea.

I think we finally agree, So i will subscribe to FreeBSD-hackers, but with some fear. i don't classify myself as a FreeBSD-hacker. I understand C and can code, but everytime i like to do even smallest modification in kernel it's quite time consuming, as it's really very complex amount of code.

best with moderation BUT EVEN WITHOUT, but with clearly defined rules
on webpage it could be efficient.

Let's make a test case: please compare your emails with the rules and
suggestions in above two articles.

Already did. And until we started to argue about moderation, it's mostly compliant. Then - it was not. For mostly two reasons.

First - because i was attacked when presenting my opinion, just because it was not "mainstream" (but not aggressive).
Second - after it continued i wanted You to start moderation.

We spend a few hours per day *working* on improving FreeBSD, doing also
moderating is just to much.

First - thank you very much for this. I'm a happy user of YOUR WORK, and i wish you will keep this as good as now in future, as there is no other unix that i don't consider crap today.

i think i could find more people if you decide to start moderation.
Whatever this people personal preferences are - won't matter as they would be just executors of rules defined by YOU.

Just please contact me and tell beforehand, i will start asking people privately, having timezones in mind.

So you will not need any extra work.

Besides, we expect people to behave intelligently and politely. Life
keeps contradicting us it seems :-[


I already sent a mail to one developer but got no response. Maybe
he is just busy or absent, anyway what's the best address for this.

Please contact donations@

OK so fuck off Boris, but we were talking some time ago about dumping
potential sponsors ;)

Watch you language please.

Such language is used on special cases like this. So please replace this words with other with the same meaning :)
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