sorry for thr msn response but:

now how did we all get this out of whack ? 

-what!, we'll pontificate on what defines the age/pubescent/hair on balls, 
...,/... barrier maybe what defines children and what defines a grownup.?

 Does it "really" matter? NO. 

I havent checked, maybe there is a "freebsd-etiquette" forum or whatever to 
discuss the further development of the "rules of text-engagement" ?

 But, being this is freebsd-chat it's mostly about things freebsd -but not 
toooooo seriously? -hence freebsd-chat.


 If we might need a 
freebsd-mature-puberty-middleaged-children-oldfart-7badwords ?, then that would 
be too bad.

'cause many others prefer the "freedom of expression" at all costs, too much 
for that.



> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 09:35:37 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ fbsd_chat ] Re: What is this forum for?
> On Wed 03 Jun 2009 at 03:15:22 PDT Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> >
> >Only by US standards. What do you think hurts a child more: to see a
> >woman's breast or hear the word "fuck", or to see cowboys and indians
> >(or their modern equivalent) disembowel each other?
> How many children read the FreeBSD mailing lists?
> I've always thought that BSD is an OS for grownups.
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