Fishing with children:


 Well, you got me at a disadvantage here, being my Dad died this morning, (June 
3rd, 2...@2am)so I'll chock this one up to a pseudo-shakespearean tragedy - 

 If you don't know (or especially if you're not sure) what you're gonna do or 
say exactly, "...then 'fer gawd sakes don't open your big fat mouth,..." on the 
other hand I questioned, (while we were fishing in Lake Ontario many-moons ago) 
I asked, if you don't say/ask anything how will "they" know what should be done 
(according to myself, of course) ?

 -'ya know, typical children's response (why is the sky blue ?, ... blah, blah, 


 Of course, a typical (mine anyway) Dad's response was "shutup" and pass me 
that fuckin' pike lure so we can get some fishin' done today. !



 yup, its all good. -so keep it up guys, gals, children, ....


I owe him atleast that much thanks.




> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 13:54:14 -0400
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [ fbsd_chat ] Re: What is this forum for?
> 2009/6/3 Lowell Gilbert <>:
> > Charlie Kester <> writes:
> >> On Wed 03 Jun 2009 at 03:15:22 PDT Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> >>>Only by US standards.  What do you think hurts a child more: to see a
> >>>woman's breast or hear the word "fuck", or to see cowboys and indians
> >>>(or their modern equivalent) disembowel each other?
> >> How many children read the FreeBSD mailing lists?
> > And if there are some, how many of them does it take to change a light bulb?
> Five. One to change the bulb, one to hold the ladder and three to
> argue whether the bulb, the ladder or changing the bulb is what's
> off-topic.
> kmw
> -- 
> To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that
> of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others,
> who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is
> to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, ‘the
> guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the
> fruits acquired by it.'
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