wowie_zowie, suzy cream_cheese; what's got into you ?

golly, gee whillikers, kids,
  a fella can start a flame_war without even trying;
  i feel so ... validated.

mr. kinsey - you are welcome.

mr. smorgrav - you are right about one thing; there --is-- a civility aspect to 
my question to you is:
  did you intend to agree with me that the "production code" was a good thing ?

mr. kester - you pose a thoughtful request for clarification; see below.

mr. wilcox - i liked your quote; please tell me, who said it ?

mr. n. - please accept my sincerest condolences on the passing of your father.
i lost mine in 1994.
he worked 6-1/2 days/week, so family_time was precious.
one sunday [ i believe it was in july, 1968 ],
  i persuaded him to take me on a steam_locomotive excursion.
about a year earlier, i had discovered serious railroading.
i could tell that he wasn't as enthused as i was, but,
  gamely, he put up a brave front.
while driving home, after we returned, he confessed that
  he had anticipated that he would not enjoy the experience, but, that,
  to his surprise, he had had quite_a_bit of fun.
he had not realized that
  the kinds of people who do this sort of thing are many and varied.
to paraphraze a familiar motorcycle_advertising_jingle of the day,
  "you meet the nicest people in a gondola".
i had caused him to forget about his work_related cares for an afternoon.

mr. riese - i must confess that
  i am not completely certain that you are not joking.
assuming you to be serious, please identify:
  a]  the identity of the person who, first, proposed the death of children;
  b]  the nature of the "oppression";
  c]  the number and kind of the "attitudes" and their location[s] in the post.

people see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear.
my point, for the benefit of those few who did not understand, was that
  one need not swear to make one's point.
this is true without regard to the amount of emphasis desired and
  without regard to the thermal character of the discussion.

i gave several examples, from film, of situations among adults where
  swearing would not be untoward, as well as
  one, from radio, illustrating that
  one can be phenomenally popular without sprinkling words about.
even before the strict enforcement of the code, swearing was not done.
griffith and demille [ to name two ] had plenty of breasts, but,
  there wasn't any swearing.
barbara stanwyck "advanced her career" in "baby face" [ 1933 ]
  [ look for john wayne in the mail_room ], but,
  she did not swear.
i recently got a dvd of "high noon" [ 1952 ], so, after viewing this,
  i viewed "blazing saddles" [ 1974 ], as i was thinking that
  the two would make a nice double_feature
  for some friends at a party that i was planning.
what surprized me was
  the degree to which the language actually --detracted-- from what is
  an, otherwise, funny film
  [ i do not refer to the ethnic epithets,
      for these were possible even during the hey_dey of the code;
      as an example, see "no way out" [ 1950 ],
      a serious film about racism between
      richard widmark and sidney poitier
the shock_value was gone; the film was dated.

as to the definition of "child" and whether any read these posts,
  i refer the interested reader to
  "the design and implementation of the freebsd operating system",
  mckusick and neville_neil, addison_wesley, 2005 [ referencing v5.2 ].
from page 17:
  "the typical new committer to the freebsd project is
  in their mid_ to late 20s and has been
  programming linux or other open_source projects for a decade."

because we number our birth_days from zero,
  one can define the mid_twenties to commence at age 23-1/3,
  perhaps, the twenty_third anniversary itself.
therefore, a thirteen_year_old would fit the above description.

i argue that it is not_at_all_unreasonable to expect that
  there are --young-- teen_agers perusing these lists because
  they have discovered computation to be
  an outlet for their creative energy.

q:  do we wish to present an image of academic professionalism or
      are some of us no better than sailors in a brothel ?

for you freedom_of_expression_at_any_cost types,
  i remind you that
  there --is-- a difference between "liberty" and "libertine".

finally, to mr. glass -
  is that an incandescent bike_shed or a compact_flourescent bike_shed ?
we want to include the correct materials_handling_notice with
  the assembly_instructions in the kit.


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