Hey everyone,

A few weeks ago, I posted a message to this list, or advocacy, can't remember which since I'm on a different machine right now, but, anyway, I posted to the list asking everyone about games on FreeBSD for a pretty old machine (Going on a decade in fact, and it wasn't a bells and whistles box then either heh) so anyway, I wanted to post a follow up because quite a few people contacted me saying they liked these games too!

Here are the specs on my test machine I've been using basically all the time over the last few weeks because, well, FreeBSD makes this machine able to do things some of my WAY faster boxes can't!

Gateway Essentials EV500 15 inch Monitor
Gateway Essentials PC, came with Windows 95 and Windows 98
8 MB ATI Video Card
433 MHz Celeron Processor
The 9 GB drive it came with, when my Mom bought this years ago, started grinding. She told me about it and I explained how the thing was already old, couldn't run half the stuff She wanted anyway, and even though a HD replacement was easy fast and cheap, upgrading RAM for this thing and Video, wasn't. She bought a new PC, I slapped a nice new 80 GB drive in it, and popped Windows 2000 Professional, Slackware, and FreeBSD on it.

The machine now only has a 3 GB Windows 98 SE partition on it so I can play Magic: The Gathering for PCs on it (The version I have is the original, it didn't work on NT, so it not only won't work on 2000, it won't even run on it) and then the rest of the disk is for FreeBSD.

It came with 64 MBs RAM which I've upgraded (If you can call it that lol) to 192 MBs RAM.

It's basically something I can test stuff on. Obviously, I'm not running KDE4 on it or anything like that. However, I WOULD like to point out how well this thing DOES work. A machine most people would toss out, has allowed me to make a very nice workstation! I do this because first I can't afford a brand new computer and my machines are becoming dated as it is, so I try making what I have work, and second, by choosing carefully I can make this work well!

I'm using Thunderbird for one of my mail accounts, and Sylpheed-Claws for another account, and I have both running right now.

I also use Galeon as a web browser. It's a crap load faster than Firefox could ever be, and works just fine, and I generally have Myspace, and a bunch of other tabs loaded all at once without much lag.

I also have an FTP server set up so I can do back ups across the machines on my LAN. I have a main FTP server (The first computer I ever bought, Pentium 3 733MHz, 384 MBs RAM, Video card that can't really display a GUI anymore without having ugly lines everywhere looking like crap, running Slackware 12.2 and VSFTPd as I can upload back ups to it, and store it on the HDs I have installed on it, so I can have one central location to back up to, and then I also set one up on here even though it's only 80 GBs it lets me back up the important stuff in more than one spot.

Anyway, this machine is also running Window Maker, since, like I said, KDE and GNOME would be pushing it, though they both do run on here, they do obviously lag a bit, and so I use Window Maker, Enlightenment, and I also like FVWM2, all of which I use on here depending on what I want it to look like :)

All that and the machine still doesn't lag a whole lot, and I have myself logged into a bunch of TTYs with Elinks running for BOFH reading.

I can barely do what I do on here, on my Laptop which has a Pentium 4 in it, @ 3.06 GHz and 512 MBs RAM.

Games Related Part:

So anyway, I wanted to try some of the text based games because they struck an interest in me, and I asked on here, and got a lot of replies.

One game I've been playing a LOT, is Dungeoncrawl. I started playing, and after a few days of working out the controls and how it works, I started playing it for a while, and I really like it!

My Wife, who has played MUDs before, which I don't really like and am not into, and who also knows Unix very well, also downloaded it and started playing it. She, like me, got hooked on it within a few days.

Basically, She did the same thing I did; Downloaded the game, ran it, played, kind of wondered how it worked after not going to far in the Dungeon, and then after 2 days, couldn't stop playing!

We also grabbed StoneSoup as I had read about it while looking up info about the game and I liked it too, but not as much. It's to bad they don't release this game more often though.

Anyway, I was wondering how many people here play DungeonCrawl, what your best scores are, and more or less, this:

When did you start playing Dungeoncrawl? (This is a little on topic since I didn't know the game existed until I saw it on the FreeBSD servers!)

Do you have a fav character type?

Personally, I started with the Wizard, then assn, and right now I've been going with Venom Mage because it's very interesting to me how powerful they get. My Wife likes the Orc fighters, and things like that, but has been appreciating the Mage parts too.

I recently just got killed because I forgot to delete a bones file, and my Level 7 Venom Mage Ghost got me. (Took me a while to figure that out let me tell you heh, now if I do well, I try and delete those, but at the same time thought oh wow that was a cool idea! so sometimes I'll save a bones file for that reason).

I also like the way the game is set up. I haven't been much into RPGs or any other type of game without a shotgun, so this is all new to me other than Magic The Gathering which I started playing in 1994.

I like how I can set up my FreeBSD test machine, make an account for both my Wife and I, and then we can play this game on the same account without using our normal log in IDs, and by using an account just for this game, we can not only play and see who can do what, but we of course have the bones files too heh. So it's kind of neat how I can set up Telnet, or SSH, and then play a game from that, and then, if I want, set up an account for the game, and use that for my Wife and I to log into the box, and play on that account to see how we can do with the scores.

Anyway, I'm just wondering about the other BSD DungeonCrawl fans and things like that.

Also thanks to everyone who replied to my earlier message and gave me the links to the BSD Ports FTP, it was very helpful and I installed quite a bit of stuff :)


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