> Now, this thing turned out not to be a virus at all. Instead, it turned 
> into the ONLY ONLY ONLY .exe I've EVER come across that does PHYSICAL 
> damage to a machine.... I'm in no way kidding.
> I saw what I had done fast.... I had went to close the window and 
> accidentally double clicked on it instead and instantly hit for the 
> power switch to shut the machine off.... It was to late though. I saw a 
> DOS Prompt come up saying something or other, and when I turned the 
> machine back on, it wouldn't even boot.
> This machine ran Windows 95, had a lot of MP3s, and some movies and 
> pics. When that happened, I couldn't even get Windows 3.1 to install.
> A friend and I worked on it all the time, and I was shocked. I couldn't 
> do anything.... I managed to install PC-DOS on this thing, and then when 
> I tried to install Windows 3.1, it said the drive wasn't big enough!
> I the next day, went and bought my first paidfor computer, and used it 
> insted which I still have, but the fact that later in life when I 
> started using Linux, about a year later, I tried again to install Linux 
> on the drive that thing killed.
> Linux wouldn't install either, it said the drive was screwed up and 
> couldn't even fix it except for a small DOS partition which was like, a 
> few MBs.

could it be that the program simply changed disk geometry in BIOS to
something small, and you did not notice?

[SorAlx]  ridin' VN2000 Classic LT
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