christopher floess wrote:

All in exchange for taking someones "trash".

Indeed, you can run a piece of junk computer on FreeBSD
and do things Windows never could ... well, I shouldn't
say never, but it can't now, unless you're still willing
to install 3.1 from floppy or Win95 from the 14th-generation
CD-R copy of your original from 14 years ago.

And, as far as "trash" goes, what I'd really love is to
have someone's leftover "trash bandwidth".  The resources
should be *liberated* from the overlords!  I just lost
my backup MX and DNS system when the folks I had an
agreement with decided to go DHCP/DSL (cheap) instead
of a static business package.  Now, if anyone's got that
sort of trash lying around, wouldn't we all love to have
a share?

Just trolling,

Oh, and games.  It's like heroin.  Don't start, or
your life gets sucked into the monitor ;-)

Thanks, Java, for six months of wasted life over the last
5 years.

Kevin Kinsey
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