At 1:13 AM -0800 2000/2/25, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:

>  So infact the Layer 2 maximal data rate of 100BaseTX is 97.5929Mb/s or
>  12.1912MB/s.  I'll leave the Layer 3 to 7 calculation up to the reader,
>  as I am a hardware geek and I showed you how to do the calculations
>  at the hardwire layer, you software geeks can go figure out the
>  overhead for the software layers :-).

        I always enjoy seeing detailed discussions of things like this. 
I may not ever need this information, and I probably won't remember 
it if I do, but I will probably remember that I read something about 
it before and can go back and re-read what you just posted.


   These are my opinions and should not be taken as official Skynet policy
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