>  "Install" button and things proceeded to install with no hitches--however, i
>  seemed that randomly (because I couldn't pick out any pattern to it) the
>  screen would flash back to the "FreeBSD Configuration Menu" as it cycled
>  through new packages to install. The gray dialog that shows which package is

Fixed this last night.

>  o I then tried to configure X. I think sysinstall needs to present a dialog
>  before running the GUI X configure program saying that there is a good chanc
>  that the mouse won't work in the GUI program. It should then explain that if

Hmmm.  Odd, I've always noted the opposite.  If you do the novice install
(which everyone should if they're trying to test the "typical case"), the
mouse working properly is the typical case.

>  o The configuration of GNOME+E. worked. However, I had to manually put
>  "gnome-session" in my .xinitrc file. It seems to me that a more "friendly"

How did you install and configure GNOME+E?  I just tried a fresh install
and selected it off the desktop menu and it worked just fine, exactly as
you say you'd like it to work.

>  o Finally, again, it seems to me that the skeleton .cshrc, .profile,
>  etc. files that are used for accounts creating during install should have th
>  following variables set:
>    setenv LC_ALL en_US.ISO_8859-1
>    setenv LC_CTYPE en_US.ISO_8859-1
>    setenv LANG en_US.ISO_8859-1

This is a question for the I18N folks; I don't even try to puzzle out
the various quirks of locale settings these days. :)

> "I'm John, and this has been my Report."


- Jordan

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