On 17 Feb, Jordan K. Hubbard wrote:

[Cc stripped]

>>  o Finally, again, it seems to me that the skeleton .cshrc, .profile,
>>  etc. files that are used for accounts creating during install should have the
>>  following variables set:
>>    setenv LC_ALL en_US.ISO_8859-1
>>    setenv LC_CTYPE en_US.ISO_8859-1
>>    setenv LANG en_US.ISO_8859-1
> This is a question for the I18N folks; I don't even try to puzzle out
> the various quirks of locale settings these days. :)

IMHO sysinstall or motd should print a little note about the possibility
to set those variables, so Jordan hasn't to mess with them (e.g. for
de_DE one wants to add LC_NUMERIC=C because every lazy script/program
which asks for floats and processes them would break [123.4 -> 123,4]).
                                                         ^        ^


             Been there, done that, can't remember why...

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