It seems Steve Price wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Mar 1999, Mike Smith wrote:
> # 
> # >From the context I've seen, the 'ufs_dirbad' panic is almost certainly 
> # due to corrupted disk input.
> I definitely can't rule that out as a possibility, but it does make
> it difficult to explain how the old driver works on this machine.
> I'm typing this message from the machine in question.  Among other
> things it is building in the neighborhood of twenty ports, recompiling
> the JDK for the fifteen millionth time :/, CVSup'ing, running a bunch
> of rxvt's, and generally working its rump off without even the 
> slightest hint of corrupted or flaky disk.
> All that aside I'm willing to look closer into the possibility of
> this being the problem.  How does one go about obtaining a copy of
> the raw disklabels?  And once I have them how do I verify them for
> correctness?

Hmm, the only thing I can come up with is that either your disk
doesn't support multible sectors, or fails to do 32bit transfers.
There is an if 0 around the 32/16 bit transfers try reversing
it, and then try to comment out the lines that does the multisector


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