On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, S?ren Schmidt wrote:

# > All that aside I'm willing to look closer into the possibility of
# > this being the problem.  How does one go about obtaining a copy of
# > the raw disklabels?  And once I have them how do I verify them for
# > correctness?
# Hmm, the only thing I can come up with is that either your disk
# doesn't support multible sectors, or fails to do 32bit transfers.
# There is an if 0 around the 32/16 bit transfers try reversing
# it, and then try to comment out the lines that does the multisector
# setup.

I just tried this and it still panics at the same spot.  I
tried it with all four combinations of the two '#if 0' blocks
in ata-disk.c.

I'm going to play around with Mike's suggestion of instrumenting
ad_interrupt with a bunch of debug prints and see if I can see
what is happening.  I'll do this right after I determine for
sure that both the old and new driver are at least trying to
read the same blocks from the disk for the disklabels.  Sounds
stupid I know, but I can cut the problem space in half if I
can prove that they are least trying to go to the same spot on
the disk.


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