
When I cvsuped, made and installed the new world and kernel on 1st May 1999,
the kernel paniced in apm_bios_call called from apmconf(8) -e...

        movl    8(%ebp),%ecx
        movl    4(%ebp),%ebx
        movl    0(%ebp),%eax
        pushl   %ebp
        lcall   _apm_addr       <--- paniced here
        popl    %ebp
        movl    %eax,0(%ebp)

Strangely, the kernel attaches the APM BIOS without any problem at all.

[a part of /var/log/messages with APM_DEBUG]
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm0: <APM BIOS> on motherboard
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: APM BIOS version 0102
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: Code32 0xc00f0000, Code16 0xc00f0000, Data 
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: Code entry 0x000078a8, Idling CPU 
disabled, Management enabled
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: CS32_limit=0x1e, CS16_limit=0x1e, 
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: Engaged control enabled
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: found APM BIOS version 1.2
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: apm: Slow Idling CPU disabled
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: Add hook "default suspend"
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: Add hook "default resume"
May  1 14:15:20 silver /kernel: called apm_event_enable()

On attaching, apm_event_enable() calls apm_bios_call successfully.

I traced to watch _apm_addr, which pointed the correct entry(0x000078a8)
in both situations. The only one difference was CS... Has anyone got a clue?

Thanks in advance!

Seigo TANIMURA           |M2, Nakagawa Lab, Dept of Electronics & CS
=========================|Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univ
Powered by SIEMENS,      |http://www.naklab.dnj.ynu.ac.jp/~tanimura/
FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT      |http://www.sakura.ne.jp/~tcarrot/
(25th Apr 1999) & muesli.|tanim...@naklab.dnj.ynu.ac.jp tcar...@sakuramail.com

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