On Wed, 05 May 1999 23:25:46 -0600,
  Warner Losh <i...@harmony.village.org> said:

imp> : Daniel O'Connor has posted a problem similar to my one, followed by the 
imp> : patch by Luoqi Chen. I will try that patch tonight at home...

imp> I strongly suspect that the Luoqi Chen fix will solve your problem.
imp> It certainly does fix a problem in the hardware configuration (SMP)
imp> that you are having.

Yes, that patch did solve my problem as well! Thanks a lot.

Seigo TANIMURA           |M2, Nakagawa Lab, Dept of Electronics & CS
=========================|Faculty of Engineering, Yokohama National Univ
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(25th Apr 1999) & muesli.|tanim...@naklab.dnj.ynu.ac.jp tcar...@sakuramail.com

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