On 2011-11-23 17:41, Sean Bruno wrote:
Not sure what this all means, but when I attempt to check out HEAD on an
NFS mount in the fbsd cluster (nfs server is a netapp filer), I'm
getting an odd failure error.

FreeBSD bhyve.freebsd.org 10.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r227883:
Wed Nov 23 06:08:40 PST 2011
sbr...@bhyve.freebsd.org:/usr/obj/var/tmp/temp/head/sys/GENERIC  amd64

[sbruno@bhyve /dumpster/scratch/sbruno-scratch]$ svn co -q svn
Enter passphrase for key '/home/sbruno/.ssh/id_rsa':
svn: E200030: disk I/O error, executing statement 'PRAGMA
synchronous=OFF;PRAGMA recursive_triggers=ON;'

Mounting the filer mount with the following entry in my fstab:

dumpster:/vol/volshscratch         /dumpster/scratch       nfs
rw,soft,bg,intr,nosuid  0 0

Either downgrade to Subversion 1.6, or upgrade to NFSv4.  I have found
nothing else that works. :(

Subversion 1.7 is a disaster in many areas, this is one of them...
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