On 2011-11-23 19:26, Sean Bruno wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-11-23 at 09:58 -0800, Rick Macklem wrote:
>> I don't know if Dimitry tried this, but you could also try the
>> "nolockd" option, so that byte range locking is done locally in
>> the client and avoids the NLM.
>> Good luck with it and please let us know how it goes, rick 
> This seems to allow SVN 1.7 to do whatever nonsense it is trying to do.
> I've modified my fstab on the test host in the cluster to:
> dumpster:/vol/volshscratch         /dumpster/scratch       nfs
> rw,soft,intr,bg,nolockd,nosuid  0 0
> Removing soft,intr had no effect.  This, I suspect will be problematic
> for clusteradm@ if we start updating hosts in the cluster.

A very late addition to this: I got Subversion 1.7 to work properly over
NFSv3, by making sure rpc.lockd runs on both server and client.

E.g, set rpc_lockd_enable to YES in rc.conf; this is off by default,
even if you have nfs_client_enable/nfs_server_enable set to YES.
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