On Wed, 2011-11-23 at 09:58 -0800, Rick Macklem wrote:
> I don't know if Dimitry tried this, but you could also try the
> "nolockd" option, so that byte range locking is done locally in
> the client and avoids the NLM.
> Good luck with it and please let us know how it goes, rick 

This seems to allow SVN 1.7 to do whatever nonsense it is trying to do.
I've modified my fstab on the test host in the cluster to:

dumpster:/vol/volshscratch         /dumpster/scratch       nfs
rw,soft,intr,bg,nolockd,nosuid  0 0

Removing soft,intr had no effect.  This, I suspect will be problematic
for clusteradm@ if we start updating hosts in the cluster.


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