Had a very bad night after upgrading my main machine from a September-based
current to a -current as of yesterday, for many, many of the programs
running on that machine i got an error message like

/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: ..... Unknown symbol "__sF"

which somehow came from this ancient library in /usr/lib:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  wheel     11 Mar 29  2002 libgcc.so -> libgcc.so.2
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  21343 Apr  4  1999 libgcc.so.2

moving the libraries out of the way just gave an error about not finding

One of the affected programs was postfix. After nothing helped, i installed
a complete fresh ports tree and recompiled postfix-current, but when
make installing it, even there it complained about Unknown symbol "__sF"
and i was not able to install it.

Luckily i had saved the /usr/obj and /usr/src, downgrading to the old
current stopped the nightmare and i'm writing this again from the 
September-based current.

Is there help in sight or do i have to do a complete, fresh reinstall
on this machine (Oh nooooo .... ;-) ) ?

Hellmuth Michaelis        Hamburg, Europe        [EMAIL PROTECTED]        www.kts.org
      There is a difference between an open mind and a hole in the head.

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