At 1:27 PM -0800 2002/11/29, Paul A. Scott wrote:

 Damn. I keep forgetting about the Mac OSX stupid, case-insesitive HFS+.
Yeah, I've bitched about this for years. I mean, HFS was an improvement over MFS (can you imagine a filesystem structure that keeps everything at one level and doesn't use directories at all?), but they really blew chunks on this. Of course, HFS+ is only a minor improvement over HFS. But then, HFS is way, way better than MS-DOS 8.3, which is what it was being compared with at the time.

 Ya know, Apple stated on their Web site, "there is never any good reason to
 have a case-sensitive file system." Can you believe that? I wrote back to
 them and stated, "there is never any good reason to have a case-INsensitive
 filesystem." But, of course, they never replied. :)
	Try bitching at Jordan.  Maybe he can get them to fix UFS instead.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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