On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 12:01:30PM +0100, Svein Skogen (Listmail Account) wrote:
> Oh, so because a lot of the programmers behind it receive wages, and the
> project itself won't commit ritual suicide by basically blocking the
> companies using FreeBSD from returning improvements they make to the
> project itself, it should be renamed.

A source layout change is the lest of the problems pushing code back from
companies using FreeBSD.  When $WORK rearranged our FreeBSD-based tree, we
simply provided a perl script to run over patch files that fixed up the

  sed -e 's,sys/amd64,sys/arch/amd64,g' patchfile > newpatchfile 

isn't that hard to do...

The fact that we totally rototilled the bge and em drivers FreeBSD 6.1->6.2
is a MUCH bigger problem to the commercial users of FreeBSD and their
patch sets.

[medium seriousness bug fixes were done by a full MFC of the driver,
 vs. just spot fixing the needed changes]

-- David  (obr...@freebsd.org)
Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
A: Why is top-posting (putting a reply at the top of the message) frowned upon?
Let's not play "Jeopardy-style quoting"
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