On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, Vincent Poy wrote:

> Greetings everyone,
>       What are the current good motherboards for FreeBSD for the pentium
> II and III?  I know on the Pentium, it was the ASUS board but for the
> PII/PIII, is the Abit the better board?  Also, I was wondering what is the
> fastest Celeron chip that can be overclocked to run at 100Mhz FSB?  Does
> it matter if it's Slot 1 or PPGA based?  Thanks.

        At work we're having good results with an Intel N440BX
motherboard. It's a dual cpu board, running 2 PIII 500's like a champ. It
also has the ability to redirect all console output (like boot/bios
messages, etc.) to a serial console. It comes with a built in Etherexpress
Pro 100+ as well.

        I have an Asus P2B at home that I've run my Celeron 300A
overclocked to 450 since the first of the year with no problems (and BIG


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