Allow me add something to what the FAQ-Xt says.

I find it more convenient to immediately call a non-static
function as shown below (using a slightly modified example
from the FAQ).

class Icon {
        static void     static_callback(Icon*);
        inline void     real_callback();
        Widget*         button;
        int             count;

Icon::Icon(Widget* parent): count(0)
        button = XtVaCreateWidget("Boo!", xmPushButtonWidgetClass, parent, 0);
        XtAddCallback(button,  XmNselectCallback, &Icon::static_callback,

inline void

Icon::static_callback(Icon* icon)

The reason for calling real_callback from static_callback is
to avoid having to specify icon->count etc. to reference
components of the Icon object.  This makes a difference in
readability if your callback function does a bunch of stuff.
The reason for inlining to not incur the cost of an
additional call (if this matters -- usually it doesn't).
Inlining can get in your way during debugging (atleast gdb
loses its mind) so provide a way to disable it.  BTW, this
idiom is useful pretty much any time you have to use C++
callbacks from C code, not just for X11.

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